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Oh Man I Got My Hands On a Surface Laptop!!!!!


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Nov 5, 2018
iFixit rules these a complete pile of poop. The whole thing is a glued assembly no fasteners, impossible to fix. To open it is to basically kill it. According to them the only way to reassemble is to duct tape the parts and hope for the best. I don't get the carpeted keyboard area, it's just very odd.
I had to order a very weird power supply for it due tomorrow so we shall see.. This was supposed to be the MacBook Air/iPad Pro killer depending on what model.
Having all three to compare at first glance all I can say is I don't think so. Not even in the same ballpark.
We shall see. It should be fun. I am shaking my head that someone paid ~ $1200 USD for this thing.
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Had to deal with M$ for an Microsoft Surface Pro 4 last week, Device is out of warranty, M$ told me that "battery swelling" is dangerus and i must pay for refurbished device 500$, that sucks because i see battery on ebay for like 40-50$.

Battery swelling screenshot:

Had to order for refurbished device, new device (refurbished received) and works fine.

Had to deal with M$ for an Microsoft Surface Pro 4 last week, Device is out of warranty, M$ told me that "battery swelling" is dangerus and i must pay for refurbished device 500$, that sucks because i see battery on ebay for like 40-50$.

Battery swelling screenshot:
View attachment 5362

Had to order for refurbished device, new device (refurbished received) and works fine.
Some deal $500 for a refurb for a $700 when new tablet that MS designed to be unfixable even though it appears to have defective parts.
Ever hear of an iPad having a swollen battery?
Small wonder somebody has grabbed the reins at MS and is attempting to return MS to sanity.
This guy Sayta is turning out to be bad news at so many levels.
So after the weekend here's my conclusion.
It's a sealed tight unfixable, unupgradable toy.
I suppose the pros are the apple-esque aluminum case, and the touch screen if you are into them.
The carpeted area around the keyboard came off as bizarre to me. Only one USB port kept me longing too.
The quasi-Apple power connector doesn't stay put very well.
It's a very sad Apple MacBook Air wannabe. Windows 10 S is a frigging joke, you might as well stick with Android. Yeah I know you can allegedly upgrade to Pro but my system never got to that point.
For some reason the entire area of the HD/flash memory chip soldered to the board the Windows would use was destroyed. Not sure if that was intentional or a hardware failure or even how you would go about such a thing, honestly I don't care. I ran Windows 10 PE and that was good enough for me. It was enough for me to conclude there was no way I would invest the time and effort to jimmying the case open and replacing the Toshiba HD chip. So it's back to the scrap heap for this baby.
After hearing Thumper's adventure with the swollen battery and the only remedy was to basically trade it in for a new one at Microsoft's cost just once again reinforces my stand the M/S should stay out of the hardware business.
Dell has done a much better job with their current 13" XPS, I really like mine although I need to get a new battery for it. Soon.
It makes me lonely for the Apple MacBook Air I gave my GF.