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To Kill a Spammer.


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Nov 5, 2018
After Thumper finishes whatever has kept him busy and has cleaned this mess up I will be starting a series "To Kill a Spammer".
Maybe not all of them but at these affiliate whores who make themselves a fairly easy target.
Come take a journey as we follow the trail of these scumbags and remove either any hope of financial gain or get them shut down entirely although VPN have made the latter a little harder.
Our buddy tolikkk will be our first exercise.
I would love to train an army of members from here to go out and make the Internet a better place.
Stay tuned.
OK I have a couple of things to do in the morning. I am surprised how busy I have been running around despite the lockdown.
First we are going to contact the people that tolikkk thinks will be paying him affiliate commissions from links displayed here with tolikkk's unique number. That's a really easy step. Complain about his spamming the site and what a bad rep he is creating for both the vendor and the affiliate agent.
Now here's the ironic part that I love. The affiliate agencies are always looking for ways to deny payment to people posting links on their behalf. No honor among thieves or in this case scumbags? Depending on tolikkk's country of origin he may be committing a crime promoting illegal Rx drug sales which I am sure never crossed their greedy mind. I hate to have to take matters in my own hand, but they asked for it. Bombs away. Soon.
Poor old tolikkk will probably never see a dime for his efforts all over in Internet now but especially here.
These are some old techniques I learned from DSLReports at the dawn of spamming. They have always worked well since then. Tolikkk should have found a different place to spam.
Ask any exterminator what the easiest way to rid your home of pests. Deny them a food source or in tolikkk's case the payout he expects from affiliate referrals for illegal Rx drug sales.
OK good. I saved his affiliate number. Let's cut his head off. It's the only way to deal with a snake. Be back soon with an email address to complain to his affiliate agency. They love being able to weasel out of their payouts. He sure did violate their TOS. Such is life dealing with scum.
Nobody should have to deal with the mess a moron like tolikkk creates.
So tolikkk is russian it appears. He has been building his little nest of sites to spam for years now. He has a strong association with blockchain/bitcoin which doesn't surprise me. Wanna know who started bitcoin and for what purpose? Do a search.
I am starting to think he is somehow involved with the site he was posting on here. I say that for a number of reasons based on whois, the domain registrar and host. That site and it's domain have no public solicitation for affiliates. I did complain to them but I think it fell on deaf ears. It looks like it's a take the money and run site. No customer service on the links they provide to contact. If they are who they appear to be they will be folding up their tent and moving on shortly.
Well without passing judgement, I would stay away from that site for all kinds of reasons. Always look for a good reputation and longevity no matter what you are purchasing on the web. Sites generally use spammers because that's the only way they would get any traffic anyway.
In the words of The Kid From Brooklyn: "Think Aboud It"
So tolikkk is russian it appears. He has been building his little nest of sites to spam for years now. He has a strong association with blockchain/bitcoin which doesn't surprise me. Wanna know who started bitcoin and for what purpose? Do a search.
I am starting to think he is somehow involved with the site he was posting on here. I say that for a number of reasons based on whois, the domain registrar and host. That site and it's domain have no public solicitation for affiliates. I did complain to them but I think it fell on deaf ears. It looks like it's a take the money and run site. No customer service on the links they provide to contact. If they are who they appear to be they will be folding up their tent and moving on shortly.
Well without passing judgement, I would stay away from that site for all kinds of reasons. Always look for a good reputation and longevity no matter what you are purchasing on the web. Sites generally use spammers because that's the only way they would get any traffic anyway.
In the words of The Kid From Brooklyn: "Think Aboud It"

I would definitely love to learn.....I tilt at windmills and love to stand on soapboxes.......I am a corp. help desk analyst with 25 yrs advanced skills experience. Please let me know how I can reach out to you to join you in your fight.


Wonder Woman