AI seems to be the big rush now. Nobody knows that much about it besides the dreamers and the theorists'. It's saving grace is this. The only substantial high markup hardware and software sales seem to be game related. Something has to be invented to woo users into buying more powerful hardware for personal use. The current crop of existing hardware thanks to fierce competition has placed pretty powerful systems into the hands of most users. Only now to we start to see a reemergence of the budget lower performing PC again.
Unfortunately the most powerful AI would theoretically be a remote centralized supercomputer farm with huge amount of data to allow the system(s) to rapidly sort through data to make true, valid AI answers. Seriously when you think about it, building and programming such a bank of systems for remote AI excites me. Programming decision branching further and further as a true answer is determined would require some great minds to devise. Computers think in binary, zeros and ones, no shades of gray like a human mind. However if you utilize a an massive list of qualifiers of yes or no to arrive at an answer you would arrive at what would appear as true human thought. That's the beauty of computers. They don't mind doing the same process over and over until an answer is found. They do it happily.
Which brings me back to the title of this post. Using this logic, you would obviously have to access the remote I/O portion of this computer farm. The reality then becomes other than good Internet connectivity and readable graphics, it doesn't require much more from the end user. So hardware manufacturers don't really have that much to gain from the advent of AI.
So you gamers keep pushing harder for better graphics, faster systems because you are the only folks left at the user level to fuel hardware development left.
Unfortunately the most powerful AI would theoretically be a remote centralized supercomputer farm with huge amount of data to allow the system(s) to rapidly sort through data to make true, valid AI answers. Seriously when you think about it, building and programming such a bank of systems for remote AI excites me. Programming decision branching further and further as a true answer is determined would require some great minds to devise. Computers think in binary, zeros and ones, no shades of gray like a human mind. However if you utilize a an massive list of qualifiers of yes or no to arrive at an answer you would arrive at what would appear as true human thought. That's the beauty of computers. They don't mind doing the same process over and over until an answer is found. They do it happily.
Which brings me back to the title of this post. Using this logic, you would obviously have to access the remote I/O portion of this computer farm. The reality then becomes other than good Internet connectivity and readable graphics, it doesn't require much more from the end user. So hardware manufacturers don't really have that much to gain from the advent of AI.
So you gamers keep pushing harder for better graphics, faster systems because you are the only folks left at the user level to fuel hardware development left.