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Buying/Discount Apps.


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
This is a little out of the box for this forum, however this has been my home for a very long time.
Here's my observations with these shopping/discount apps. They are really doing exactly what the likes of TikTok are being accused of. I guess the good news in if you are clever and wish to play some chess with these info stealing/selling companies who author and sell these apps to the highest bidders.
Set up a bunch of accounts. It's worthwhile keeping old phones and tablets around. You don't need a good battery or anything more than WiFi access and loading a VPN if you have one (you should).
See where we are going? Set up a bunch of free email accounts and be creative, it's fun hunting down all those free email services. Remeber ou don't give a crap who sees what goes on in that account, you are scamming the scammers.
So now you get it. Pick something that costs a few bucks you might want to buy, visit that sight a few times, browse a few items but keep coming bac to that item then sit back and check the email aacount associated with that phone/tablet/PC. It's important that you don't mix those apps on the same device, they really don't lke that.
So have fun working the system against them. It goes both ways if you are clever.