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Configure startup applications in Windows - Microsoft Support

Good article. Discusses some the convoluted ways applications can be set to start upon boot-up. They did not mention the other method, preferred by viruses and the like, using scripting language. Tisk, tisk Microsoft.

1. Batch script (Requires basic scripting knowledge):

Create a new text file:
Open Notepad or any text editor.

Write the script: Add a line for each program like this: start "Program Name" "C:\path\to\program.exe" (Replace quotes with actual program name and path).

Save the file with a .bat extension: Choose a descriptive name, like "startup_programs.bat."

Run the script manually first: Make sure the script works by double-clicking it.

Schedule the script at startup: Use Task Scheduler to run the script automatically at startup. Search for "Task Scheduler" in the Start menu and configure a new task to run the script upon logon.

2. PowerShell script (Requires PowerShell knowledge):

Open PowerShell:
Search for "PowerShell" in the Start menu and run it.

Write the script: Use commands like Start-Process "Program Name" "-FilePath 'C:\path\to\program.exe'" for each program.

Save the script as a .ps1 file: Choose a descriptive name.

Run the script manually first: Similar to the batch script, run it manually to ensure functionality.

Schedule the script at startup: Follow the same steps as the batch script using Task Scheduler.