La Patróna
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■Site Rules
■Site Rules
- Warez stuff is not allowed here! ex: Any software with serial/crack, movies etc.
- Read up before asking!
- Respect the netiquette: Lurk and get to know the forum before you post.
- Keep the focus: Questions outside the scope of a certain forum will either be moved, locked or simply be deleted.
- Be nice to each other and respect the moderator. Profanity and insults will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with another member turn to the respective moderator and if the moderator can't help you send a private message to me.
- Do not spam. No blatant advertising.
- Do not send questions pertaining to topics of discussion on this board via personal messages or email to Moderators , they will be ignored.
- Don't post just to increase your number of posts. If you have nothing to say on a certain matter then don't post. The number of posts on this board has no direct relation to the experience of a member.
- The official language is English.
- Multiple registrations are prohibited and are grounds for immediate account deletion.
- Instructions by the moderator team are to be followed.
- Use the Search function before making a post to ensure that there are no duplicate posts.
- Do not use CAPS in your post, as it looks like you are shouting & it can look offensive.
- Information is crucial so always add it to your post (screenshots, if available).
- If you want to add a reply to your topic, please use the Edit button instead of making double posts.
- Do not bump old threads just to say the links are dead or to ask for a reupload. Use the appropiate request
- Don't post any XXX (Porn)!
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