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Microsoft 365 outage takes down Teams, Exchange Online, Outlook


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
Read about it at The Verge

Here's the deal. Some of the products my company offers are closely wrapped to the whole 365 package and heavily on Teams. We had been receiving some higher than normal tech help calls for degradation of service, poor call quality, unable to reach the service. This wasn't a "Oh it was just a four hour event, that's when the poop hit the fan. The service has been slowly failing for a couple of weeks or so it seemed. If you think about it Microsoft is late to the dance when it comes to mega-networking. It is fragile and requires much more redundancy that costs big money, more than the current business climate allows. If Google has a brain fart that's one thing but this is a product that businesses require to function esp. post-Covid. If they can't effectively communicate, they can't make money. I can only hope Microsoft makes their network more robust.