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Windows Boot problem


New Member
Apr 20, 2024
I have a computer with Windows 7 installed

Some days ago, Windows stopped with a BSOD ( 0x0000007A ). I don't know the reason because I haven't added any new device or so for a long time, but this is not the most important now ...

The important thing is that when I restart the computer, now it doesn't found Windows and after some seconds shows something like: "Reboot and select proper boot device"

So, I restarted the computer again and press F12 showing these entries ( both were created by Windows installer when I first installed Windows ):

1) Windows Boot Manager ( PO: WDCxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx )
2) PO: WDCxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx

If I manually select 1), Windows starts correctly
The problem is that I must do that every time I restart the computer

So, looks like something got misconfigured at boot level

Any solution to fix this boot problem?

Your drive may be going bad. From the command prompt in safe mode just run FIXBOOT and then FIXMBR if this fails you drive is bad. In cases like this I have replaced the drive and was able to insert the old drive into a docking station and was able to recover all my apps and files.
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Time to take that old girl out back and shoot her, put her out of her misery.
Is the HD making any clicking or buzzing soulds?

Honestly if you want a bit of a learning experience get yourself a 32gb or larger USB flash drive and head on over to:
Once you set up those utilities you can do just about anything you care or need to do on you system, sick or healthy, password protected or whatever including drive test/repair utilities.

This is a creation of Jayro and his crew, outstanding work.
(Don't tell Jayro, but my now decesed cat Brutus was cooler that any of his crew. Brutus was a cat among cats and I have had more than a few.)
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