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Bandwidth Monitoring Software?


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Nov 5, 2018
I am new to this category of software for personal computers/networks. Anybody have any experience with this kind of software and recommendations? I have a software back-up program but it seems kind of sluggish. It just appeared in my bill this month. $5/mo for unlimited storage forever, normally $40/mo. This is a top tier provider so I am sure they have the resources, however offering unlimited to our members like me, Hotrod, Thumper for example is asking for trouble, we always have plenty to store :). I can munge the file names, make archives that are munged and password protected so they can't inspect contents.
The only problem is it really slow so I want some hard number to go at the ISP and complain.
I am new to this category of software for personal computers/networks. Anybody have any experience with this kind of software and recommendations? I have a software back-up program but it seems kind of sluggish. It just appeared in my bill this month. $5/mo for unlimited storage forever, normally $40/mo. This is a top tier provider so I am sure they have the resources, however offering unlimited to our members like me, Hotrod, Thumper for example is asking for trouble, we always have plenty to store :). I can munge the file names, make archives that are munged and password protected so they can't inspect contents.
The only problem is it really slow so I want some hard number to go at the ISP and complain.

I use netuptimemonitor.com but it do not have "Bandwidth meter".
I use netuptimemonitor.com but it do not have "Bandwidth meter".
I am very lucky my fiber connection never drops. I have 100% of the provisioned speed to the NOC. I am just wondering what kind of upload speed they are allowing, technically since I am just a few hops into their network. I was shut off for the day, turns out they have a 50GB limit a day. After some reading, their "cloud" was envisioned for phone back up so why do they supply a Windows 64bit interface. Turns out their phone division isn't doing so well, they priced themselves out of the market, their network in the US is no longer #1. Is this a way to try and sell all the capacity they thought the 5G phones would use up.
I doubt I will make if until February without them pulling some crap. I'll make a stink and see if they lower my rate. I help provision a bunch of commercial fiber for them at work so I can always turn that card over. Time will tell.

UPDATE: It was no simple feat I had to scour all the sources. I ended up with "Bandwidth Monitor 3.4.2" I may stick it up somewhere soon since there isn't anything available at least I could find. I ended up finding "Bandwidth.Monitor.3.4.xxx.Generic.Patch-RED" and finding a corresponding .exe file on one of those application hosting site (Something like CNET but it wasn't). Bottom line, it works quite well.
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Oh man this is getting really interesting. Turns out the company that goes by the current name "Edgio" is hosting the Verizon Cloud uploads. Now the history of that company is nothing short of very funny.
Edgeview on Wkiipedia
So way back when this started out as a Verizon venture for streaming media. We all know the acquisitions that Verizon has made thru the years, none good. So if you read the twisted history of this company you will learn this is Verizon's attempt to make a red-headed stepchild useful. Good luck with that. For 5 bucks it gives me something to play with, 40/mo, no way! So they are a dime short and a day late to this cloud dance. I guess they are trying to make this excess capacity useful in some way.
In their defense, Fios rocks, and their commercial fiber is more trusty than those old T1's. I guess they abandoned their smtp servers and hopes everyone will migrate to a Yahoo (now Ymail) or AOL webmail account.
I am new to this category of software for personal computers/networks. Anybody have any experience with this kind of software and recommendations? I have a software back-up program but it seems kind of sluggish. It just appeared in my bill this month. $5/mo for unlimited storage forever, normally $40/mo. This is a top tier provider so I am sure they have the resources, however offering unlimited to our members like me, Hotrod, Thumper for example is asking for trouble, we always have plenty to store :). I can munge the file names, make archives that are munged and password protected so they can't inspect contents.
The only problem is it really slow so I want some hard number to go at the ISP and complain.
I'm not sure if this app has everything you're looking for but it's a very solid piece of software.
I'm not sure if this app has everything you're looking for but it's a very solid piece of software.
wow, been more than 10 years since i heard for cFosSpeed lol
I am new to this category of software for personal computers/networks. Anybody have any experience with this kind of software and recommendations? I have a software back-up program but it seems kind of sluggish. It just appeared in my bill this month. $5/mo for unlimited storage forever, normally $40/mo. This is a top tier provider so I am sure they have the resources, however offering unlimited to our members like me, Hotrod, Thumper for example is asking for trouble, we always have plenty to store :). I can munge the file names, make archives that are munged and password protected so they can't inspect contents.
The only problem is it really slow so I want some hard number to go at the ISP and complain.

NetBalancer Application​

NetBalancer is a Windows application for local network traffic control and monitoring​

this will do everything you're asking for 15-day trial on v11.05
Shoot I'm spoiled. I programmed my SG300 switch for Quality of Service. In the words of the late Ron Popeil, "Set it and forget it". I was just wanted to monitor real-time throughput from one application.