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30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Windows

Re: 30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Wind

<r>My stuff..<br/>
Libre Office<br/>
Sumatra PDF<br/>
Pidgin (Gaim)<br/>
Firefox (Yeah, you can fiddle with it for ages ^^)<br/>
ClassicShell (Win7 Start menu makes me sick, I need the classic one.. <URL url="http://classicshell.sourceforge.net/">http://classicshell.sourceforge.net/</URL> Oh and it works on win8(Eeew!) aswell)<br/>
µTorrent ( 2.0.4 22967, can't stand the new versions.. =P )<br/>
cloudantivirus (Yes it is panda, and usually their AVs sucks goats arse, but this one is superb.)<br/>
Oh and bits n bobs from <URL url="http://www.sysinternals.com"><s></s>http://www.sysinternals.com<e></e></URL> (microsoft tech now, link still works though ^^ )</r>
Re: 30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Wind

<t>thanks for sharing.</t>
Re: 30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Wind

<r><QUOTE author="Shaggy"><s>
Shaggy said:
</s>thanks for sharing.<e>

np ^^<br/>
sysinternals.com , check out <URL url="http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb963902"><s></s>Autorun<e></e></URL> and <URL url="http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653"><s></s>Processexplorer<e></e></URL>. Those two probably fixed most computers I ever worked with. (I build/repair Gaming rigs and htpc etc.)<br/>
And I forgot one on my list:<br/>
<URL url="http://www.emptyloop.com/unlocker/"><s></s>Unlocker 1.9.1<e></e></URL> - For those pesky folders and files that refuses to be deleted. (64 and 32bit versions)</r>
Re: 30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Wind

<t>Those are great programs.</t>
Re: 30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Wind

<t>thanks all , going to give a try to Tixati , o love the black background !</t>
Re: 30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Wind

<r>Nice post and it's very helpful. Thanks for sharing...... <E>8-|</E></r>
Re: Another Good One

<r><QUOTE author="SpyderSeven"><s>
SpyderSeven said:
</s>Thanks for this list! Here's one of my favorites since everyone is talking about torrent clients.. <br/>
<URL url="http://www.tixati.com/">http://www.tixati.com/</URL><br/>
I found this a few months ago and I haven't touched another client since =] It's very stable and lightweight, and the Auto Limit works wonders if you want your torrents up while browsing.<br/>
Perfect if you want a torrent client without frilly stuff!<e>
i will try this... thanks bro!!!</r>
Re: 30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Wind

<t>firefox has lots ofgoodies. I enjoy it and gives me more options.</t>
Re: 30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Wind

<r><IMG src="http://belden-arts.com.au/images/thanks.jpg"><s>
Re: 30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Wind

<r>Try This Site lots of free software available here........<br/>
<URL url="http://buckshee.weebly.com/software-a---z.html">http://buckshee.weebly.com/software-a---z.html</URL></r>
can any one help me about how to download and which place to download proper Microsoft office latest version.
Greetings: XYplorerFree best replacement for Windows Explorer & File Explorer.
[ I own the lifetime version. Could NOT live without the ability to flatten a folder so subfolders a visible in the same list!! ]
i.e. I keep a master folder of downloaded TV Shows.
In that I keep a folder for each TV Series I watch regularly. The folder title to shows the last episode downloaded.
Inside that folder I keep all unwatched episodes (I do not save them. Shows are deleted as watched.)
When I want to choose something to watch, I flatten the master folder (feature is called Branch View).
That shows a list with ALL series folders AND what they have inside. Great feature.
It does much more, duplicate file finder, fancy renaming, File Associations for Portable programs, too much to list.
Take a look, you will like it.
22. PDFCreator
Replaces Adobe Acrobat
PDFCreator creates a virtual printer on your computer that, if you print a document to

Folks are now reporting malware included:

Zabir Ahmed posted a comment on a wiki page

a nice app turned into crap
1 month ago
almend posted a comment on a wiki page

It's sad to say it, but you guys are intentionally adding this malware to make a...
1 month ago
Carlos Henriques posted a comment on a wiki page

Same here, found Stallmonitz, "SoftwareBundler:Win32/Stallmonitz has been referred...
4 months ago
Jack Sankey posted a comment on a wiki page

I used to love this project, but now the installer comes with malware, identified...
My Set Build Every Time;

1.Chrome (Adblocker, Silverbird Addons)
4.Skype For Business
5.Office Pro Full
6. FileZilla (FTP)
7. Tixati (Torrent)
8. Putty (SSH,Telnet etc)
9. WinSCP (TFTP)
10. Vsphere
11. Vmware Workstation
11: Netscan (quick IP scanner)
12: deamon Tools
13. VLC
14. K.LITE Audio Codecs
15. Java / Silverlight / .Net / shockwave / Air (Unfortunately)
17. Esset Antivirus
18. Teamviewer
19. RemoteDesktop Manager
20. Mouse without Boarders
21. Audacity
22.Paint .NEt
23. notepad++
24. Some Form Of PDF Printer Nitro Etc
25. Also Full Adobe Acrobat (contradictory i know)

most of which with the obvious exceptions i install all at once via

so don't have to run through endless wizards.

I can do just about everything im ever going to do day to day with that package,

**edit i see this was supposed to include free software only, so i have highlighted the none free software
Thank you all for all!

I wanted to report to the heteroclytic population of tech-tools, that the small but strong software Abiword, is no longer available for download: [highlight=#BFFFFF]Sorry, not available anymore[/highlight], but only Microsoft Windows platforms are concerned.
Re: 30 Essential Pieces Of Free (and Open) Software for Wind

<r><QUOTE author="illincrux" post_id="81368" time="1342718295" user_id="41384"><s>
illincrux post_id=81368 time=1342718295 user_id=41384 said:
Nice list!<br/>
Here's some of my favorites:<br/>
Irfan View (view any image type)<br/>
Libre Office<br/>
Sumatra PDF (PDF, eBook (ePub, Mobi), XPS, DjVu, CHM, Comic Book (CBZ and CBR) reader)<br/>
Renamer (rename virtually hundreds of files)<br/>
Pidgin (universal chat program)<br/>
QT Tab Bar (adds tabs to folders and some additional functions)

Ditto on 7zip and Notepad++<br/>
Absolute life savers - thanks for mentioning those...</r>