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Cheesy 50's Sci-Fi Flicks


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Nov 5, 2018
A friend of mine Steve has turned to watching 50's Sci-Fi flicks to beat the boredom.
I am going to try and start posting them here. We will see how it goes.
Here's your first installment.
The Man Who Turned to Stone (1956 or 1957)
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Alright! Cat-Women was one cheesy movie. To be honest I have to admit the plastic spaceships which didn't match from scene to scene were entertaining. Once the giant spiders started dropping from the ceiling it kind of lost me..
Today's installment is what I consider one of the finest early 50's sci-fi flicks made. They had a huge budget and were able to pay people who could actually act. Grab some popcorn and sit back and enjoy "THEM!!!"
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Well I hope you saw it. If not check the torrents, it may be up. You missed a good one. The DMCA police must have found it :oops:
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50's? A bit old isn't it?
True but as my friend Steve explained once we started sending up rockets in earnest much the mystery vanished.
We had all these soldiers who returned from WW2, the US was prosperous, many of the returning soldiers were just graduating from college thanks to the GI bill. Wernher von Braun had launched a liquid fuel rocket that could be capable of space flight. People were dreaming back then and jets and space travel were on everyone's mind.
Let's not forget Ed Wood who could clap out a "B" sci-fi thriller for peanuts and make millions.
Speaking of Ed Wood
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959)
Evil aliens attack Earth and set their terrible "Plan 9" into action. As the aliens resurrect the dead of the Earth, the lives of the living are in danger.
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This is a true classic. A must see "B" movie