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Tiny 11--install Win 11 on even old computers!


Jul 1, 2020
Los Angeles
Just ran across this AND IT WORKS!
This fellow has stripped out a lot of bloatware and people are having success making Win 11 run even on old computers.

See description for more info. Link to download the .iso is https://archive.org/details/tiny-11_202302,
and you want https://archive.org/download/tiny-11_202302/tiny11 b2(no sysreq).iso

Install .iso on thumb drive with Rufus, then use that to install Win 11 fresh on the old clunker. You don't need to log into a MS account.

I don't have such an old machine to try, so instead under Win 10 using VMware Workstation Pro 15. I made a new Virtual Machine. Select Win 10 as your VM type (change name later under properties). The trick that made it work was to go into Properties and change from UEFI to BIOS. Boot the VM and it will install.
To activate I used MAS_1.5_AIO_CRC32_21D20776.txt found on this site (change .txt to .bat)
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What people fail to realize that the engine that drives every non-DOS version of Windows is the Windows NT Kernel. Sitting on top of that is the hardware abstraction layer and drivers and finally the executive layer of all the fun goodies (programs) which is what sucks up all the resources. Powering all the basics is a set of instructions that were originally written (quite brilliantly) in 1993 to run on 32 bit systems with a single core 25Mhz CPU with 12 MB of RAM. So if you start stripping out most of the executive layer and limit the number of driver dependent devices you can get by with far less than you would think. Philalethes post proves that. So if you ever feel you need to free some resources break out Revo or CCleaner and they will strip out the Windows programs you aren't interested in and Microsoft neglects to provide an install routine for. Keep in mind many of the Windows native programs are TSR (terminate and stay resident) sucking up resources if you are running them in the forefront or not.
Here's a darn good example of the practice of finding out what do you really need and what's cluttering up your operating environment.
Time to give this a try. I have had an Inspiron 3147 2 in 1 (yuk) unfortunately an good shape. I was able to install an 8GB RAM module (specs say 4GB RAM max. I guess not) and upgraded to a Hi-pro SATA 6. SSD. It has a very pathetic 2 core Cele. and was originally designed for Win 8.1. So I have the perfect application, I'll give it a try.
That’s ok. I did a direct download. Finally ditched the whole mess and reached for Revo. Win 11 tiny, this Inspiron 3147 was one of those barely would run Win 10. Tiny 11 biggest problem was most of the drivers were only 32 bit available and that’s a no no for Win 11. Win 10 tiny? Some really bizarre memory allocations and wouldn’t load a lot of software.
Honestly Defender is still the big CPU cycles hog and I would love to dump it. It can’t even be quiet with everything disabled, what the heck is it doing and who is it reporting to? So this one was a big fail, better luck next time.
First it was Cortana the spy. Now that she’s gone Microsoft has clocked their latest spy in anti-virus clothing.