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TweakBit PCRepairKit [APKGOD]


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Nov 5, 2018
From the Malwarebytes Forum:
"What is TweakBit PCRepairKit?

The Malwarebytes research team has determined that TweakBit PCRepairKit is a "system optimizer". These so-called "system optimizers" use intentional false positives to convince users that their systems have problems. Then they try to sell you their software, claiming it will remove these problems.
More information can be found on our Malwarebytes Labs blog ."

Anybody know exactly who APKGOD is? Passing this garbage around isn't cool, so beware of their posts.
It's a jungle out there folks. Always has been and always will be.
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Thanks For Your Information! I had no idea about this, If someone had informed me sooner. I have not posted TB PCRKit from that time. I will try to remove my torrents if possible.
So let me get this straight. You post warez with your name attached (yeah it is), like it's your crack. Then you come back after plagiarizing someone else's work with your name on it and say "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know". No honor among you guys?
Let me tell you I did some cracking back in the day. It's hard, hard brain busting work in most cases. To take that work, not give the cracker props and stick your name on it is absolute BS.
Granted I have been away. I took a job that required me to step away but I was very active back in the day and I do have the right and the cred to say what I am saying.
That's all I can say!