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Windows 7 ESU


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Nov 5, 2018
Without getting too crazy, has anyone explored this? ESU (Windows 7 Extended Security Updates) I kind of thought was a cheesy deal Microsoft was pulling. Frankly Win 10 growing pains are behind us now but businesses are still holding out. if you are running a 16 bit (well no other way) DOS program you are stuck with Win 7 unless you go VM and that's not a pretty sight with DOS.
I am just wondering if anyone has some experience with it. It might be fun to tinker with as long as it's not a complete PIA. Windows 7 licensing was kind of loose at the end so just wondering. If you know of some sites post them here.
I looked into it briefly but didn't really care too much since I was using Win 10 and Linux. Still have a Win7 install for running some of those programs that like 7, it's secure enough for what I do on it. After looking at the Windows site it looks like you might have trouble if you're using anything other than a authentic s/n. But they aren't that hard to find if you know where to look. Still each years updates have to be purchased separately. Haven't bothered to check to see if any of the past ones are available at the usual places lately.
After looking at the Windows site it looks like you might have trouble if you're using anything other than a authentic s/n. But they aren't that hard to find if you know where to look.
From what I can tell ESU requires an additional serial number to validate on the up and up. There were some groups that were supplying workarounds but the seem to have gone underground. It's no biggie, just something to mess around with. I guess you must run Win 7 for AutoData but I don't own anything that old I have gotten away from twisting my own wrenches.
So if you know what direction to look in to see what's going on pass it on one way or another.
You know me I just like to see what kind of schemes they come up with lately.