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35+ Most Popular Hand Drawn Fonts for design aficionados


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La Patróna
Aug 18, 2010

As we all know in internet , we will get reputation only for our genuine work. And as designers , we must try to add uniqueness in our work. In the field of typography , we have been using the same ordinary fonts for years and Now it’s time to change. Let’s welcome the latest trend in the web design field especially in terms of typography , the new Hand drawn fonts. As the name implies Hand drawn fonts are created using hand sketching techniques. To create hand drawn fonts the designer must have high creativity to make fonts that can make the designs stand out from others.

Though hand drawn fonts are getting popular these days, it’s a bit difficult to get them since only a few sites have them. So in this post I have collected 37 popular hand drawn fonts which are free to download.

You can chose to download individually or all of the 37 HandWritten Fonts here

Source: http://www.techieblogger.com/2009/11/most-popular-handwritten-fonts-for-design-aficionados.html
Thanks. About a dozen zip files Inside are corrupt. Anybody had the same problem? I'll try DLing again...
instresting selection :)

several of them unfortunatley have bad headers so they don't load but you can't have everything!

have you got any of the picture calligraphy floating around celtic kind of design which aren't copyrighted, looking for something for a website logo
