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Fix Update KB5037336/KB5037036/KB5036892 Not Installing In Windows 10


Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
Windows 10 update certainly has been having it's share of problems lately. Here is a batch of suggestions in the YouTube Video. CLICK HERE
Frankly I have been dealing this more in a corporate environment than at a user level. I just reimage any of our company issued laptops with the updates already installed. My home lttle farm of minis have all been crapping out on one f these updates. I messed with them a little bit, there should be no reason while they won't accept the update. I have read so darn many reasons on why it won't work and thoughts on what "might" fix the problem.
According to sources, Windows 10 market share has
GROWN in March 2024 to ~ 70% from ~ 68% from Feb. 2024. Whenever I bring up have an enterprise account made any consideration to a Win 11 upgrade I either get a funny look or the shake their head. IT should be interestingin the next coming 18 months. Who knows? If they wait too long it's not going to be pretty unless they want to pay ~ $60 USD for the first year of extended Win 10 support past Oct 2025. Most of the members here are aware of the driver incompatibility and those Important "gotta have" those programs corp environments that run on those programs. I know my division of the company I work for relies on this over a decade old proprietary software they authored in this now completely obsolete software. Seriously many functions of this division are completely dependant on this package. It's been a well it works, doesn't it, don't mess with it. Boy are they in for a surprise. It will take them at least 60 days to try and port to something new and it will destroy all historical data..