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Micro Center Leaving Apple Market?


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
I was wandering through my local Micro Center yesterday and couldn't help but notice they have closed "Apple Land". It was a special section detached from the rest of the store. Now it's just a couple of rows amidst the HDTV section with little selection.
You have to wonder what took place. Was it the fact that they could only discount what Apple allowed so there was rarely deals. Do users want the undivided attention of their own "genius" (cough-cough) and not just another Micro Center sales person? I think it may have something to do with all the third party hardware for Apple products Micro Center sold at much lower prices. Mind you Micro Center has been selling Macs for a very long time.
If I was a strictly Apple user I might be pissed. Micro Center never closed during the pandemic unlike the Apple Stores, just saying. But of course I go out on a limb saying that Apple users wouldn't notice that unless they broke their prized hardware. Then they were probably darn happy Micro Center was open.
Something funny I noticed on a laptop display. It was a bunch of Windows 10 laptops and a Chromebook. The Chromebook displayed a rather large sticker announcing it has a built-in antivirus. So what, where have they been? So does Windows for that matter.
I couldn't help thinking, yeah buy the Chromebook. In three years due to predetermined obsolescence you will either be tossing the Chromebook out or hacking the BIOS and turning it into a rather basic Linux laptop.