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La Patróna
Aug 18, 2010
Hello guys,

We just added new design for our site :D

Please let us know if you find any bug, you can suggest us as well.

Something New 2015.....

<r>Looks like nothing is new here since 2010.<br/>
Hope this will get the others started with adding new posts to this part of the Forum.<br/>
I have not been given any information on how to post here, even though I have sent a private message to one of the admins. since I joined as a newbie.<br/>
Here is a great free site with <B><s></s><COLOR color="#0000BF"><s></s>3D Animated Alphabets<e></e></COLOR><e></e></B>, and music from <B><s></s><COLOR color="#0000BF"><s></s>1955 <e></e></COLOR><e></e></B>to <B><s></s><COLOR color="#000080"><s></s>1994<e></e></COLOR><e></e></B> including a list of other music.<br/>
Here is the link .....<br/>
<HIDDEN><s>[hidden]</s><URL url="http://www.3danimatedalphabets.com/">http://www.3danimatedalphabets.com/</URL><e>[/hidden]</e></HIDDEN><br/>
Hope you all enjoy this.<br/>
The Best of Everything .....

<r><B><s></s><COLOR color="#BF0000"><s></s>The Best of Everything<e></e></COLOR><e></e></B> .....<br/>
<HIDDEN><s>[hidden]</s><URL url="http://www.makeuseof.com/tags/best-of/"><s></s>http://www.makeuseof.com/tags/best-of/<e></e></URL><e>[/hidden]</e></HIDDEN><br/>
Real Illusion

<r>Each <B><s></s><COLOR color="#000080"><s></s>Effect3D Studio tutorial<e></e></COLOR><e></e></B> includes a project file so you can download and see the settings and effect for yourself. Each tutorial focuses on a different type of effect and introduces some neat tricks to help you towards creating more interesting graphics.<br/>
<HIDDEN><s>[hidden]</s><URL url="http://www.reallusion.com/e3dstudio/e3ds_tutorial.asp"><s></s>http://www.reallusion.com/e3dstudio/e3ds_tutorial.asp<e></e></URL><e>[/hidden]</e></HIDDEN></r>