Hello, everyone. I’m using the most current version of Windows 11.
I am requesting recommendations for a software program.
What I want to do is compare one folder to another, and display the items that are in one of the folders, but not another.
(Or, display duplicates.)
For example, let’s say I have a folder on my C drive that contains the following video files:
Now, a folder on my D drive named DATABASE contains the following files:
I’d like to find a program that will show me which files are missing from the C drive, and/or which files are missing from the D drive.
For example, the results should be something along the lines of this:
Or….the program can show a list of everything, and highlight which ones are duplicates.
Either option would work for me.
I found a program called WinMerge that is supposed to do something like this, but I must admit, I find the learning curve for that program to be a bit steep.
Does anyone know of another program that will do something like this, that might be a bit more user-friendly? I consider myself computer literate, but WinMerge is a bit confusing for me.
I would be very grateful if anyone knows of a program that does this. Or, can give me a few tips on how to use WinMerge to do this.
I don't want anyone to think I'm knocking WinMerge. I'm just saying I believe it's a bit beyond me.
Thank you very much! T. Hulot
I am requesting recommendations for a software program.
What I want to do is compare one folder to another, and display the items that are in one of the folders, but not another.
(Or, display duplicates.)
For example, let’s say I have a folder on my C drive that contains the following video files:
Now, a folder on my D drive named DATABASE contains the following files:
I’d like to find a program that will show me which files are missing from the C drive, and/or which files are missing from the D drive.
For example, the results should be something along the lines of this:
Or….the program can show a list of everything, and highlight which ones are duplicates.
Either option would work for me.
I found a program called WinMerge that is supposed to do something like this, but I must admit, I find the learning curve for that program to be a bit steep.
Does anyone know of another program that will do something like this, that might be a bit more user-friendly? I consider myself computer literate, but WinMerge is a bit confusing for me.
I would be very grateful if anyone knows of a program that does this. Or, can give me a few tips on how to use WinMerge to do this.
I don't want anyone to think I'm knocking WinMerge. I'm just saying I believe it's a bit beyond me.
Thank you very much! T. Hulot