Here's the deal on DDoS attacks and why they are obsolete for what they were used for.
#1 Heres the deal: Source of most DDoS attacks? Smartphones. For quite some time if you went to one of those "free" pron sites with a phone, good chance you were infected. As vigilant we are with are PCs and laptops, no one thinks much about their phones. Android on phones is inherently insecure.
#2 Once infected the phone calls home, is indexed for future DDoS use and then remains silent.
Now once these became a problem, programs to circumvent these attacks, nothing too sophisicated. All they do is catalog the offending IPs being used in the attacks and block them. Some of the DDoS bots will read the URL and attack the site by IP directly.
To keep the site up and running the sites at the URL level are determined which calls to the site are legit are sent through filters to an alternate masked IP and the site stays active.
These activities are not being taken lightly as well as most ransom type activity. In the US, Homeland Security becomes involved as well as other federal enforcement agencies. If you are in 99% of the countries in the free world, you will be prosecuted.
The big playground that allowed these activities continues, cryptocurrencies have been infiltrated by many government enforcement covert groups. They are tired of bitcoin being used to shield criminals and avoid income tax payments. It was bound to happen, I am surprised it lasted so long.
Just keep in mind somewhere along the line hard currency has to be converted into cryptocurrency and that sets up a trail.
#1 Heres the deal: Source of most DDoS attacks? Smartphones. For quite some time if you went to one of those "free" pron sites with a phone, good chance you were infected. As vigilant we are with are PCs and laptops, no one thinks much about their phones. Android on phones is inherently insecure.
#2 Once infected the phone calls home, is indexed for future DDoS use and then remains silent.
Now once these became a problem, programs to circumvent these attacks, nothing too sophisicated. All they do is catalog the offending IPs being used in the attacks and block them. Some of the DDoS bots will read the URL and attack the site by IP directly.
To keep the site up and running the sites at the URL level are determined which calls to the site are legit are sent through filters to an alternate masked IP and the site stays active.
These activities are not being taken lightly as well as most ransom type activity. In the US, Homeland Security becomes involved as well as other federal enforcement agencies. If you are in 99% of the countries in the free world, you will be prosecuted.
The big playground that allowed these activities continues, cryptocurrencies have been infiltrated by many government enforcement covert groups. They are tired of bitcoin being used to shield criminals and avoid income tax payments. It was bound to happen, I am surprised it lasted so long.
Just keep in mind somewhere along the line hard currency has to be converted into cryptocurrency and that sets up a trail.
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