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Wow It's Been Quiet


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
I am seeing very little virus activity particularly since people have been spending so much time online. It's got me wondering is this the calm before the storm? Is all hell going to break loose as the elections approach in the US? Some countries have reported activity from China, New Zealand and maybe Australia but no Russian activity in the states and there is usually some background noise. I think I came across a Nigerian 419 hack of somebody's Outlook address book a couple of weeks ago but this guy was no bright light. He was connecting through 4G service in Lagos not even a proxy. Any Nigerian with any smarts have moved at least their Internet stuff to Benin. Nigeria is aggressively enforcing 419.
Am I missing something?
I kind of take back what I said. There must be some kind of email hack against Outlook currently. The address book is stolen. The thief then creates an email address with the stolen accounts user name typically at mail com or AOL so at first glance it looks legit.
DDOS is pretty much a script kiddie exercise. Denial of service attacks are pretty much obsolete. Once a sysop is alerted it's not a big deal to neutralize. More of a proof of concept deal. The payloads are usually hidden in warez or poisoned web pages.
Still all in all it's been pretty quiet.
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Max and Stacey Keiser stopped using their own website, shut it down, because of DDOS attacks, and they mentioned something else, but I forgot what. [maybe got compromised by hackers directly]
It is just easier to be a part of a larger organization like Facebook or some other group website, where you can have your own part of it, like a blog.
I think basically hacking someones Outlook email is not as profitable because of things like LifeLock.
I'm wondering what the hackers are focusing on now.
If you watched Mr. Robot you know that ultimately you have to hack the person you are targeting directly, like with a gun in their ribs, or go to a site with a server and jack in directly.
Security has gotten much better.
Hackers are pretty low level on the totem pole of criminal activity, unless you are hacking a government or bank, which is unlikely.
Hacking HUMANITY is where the real criminals are focused, like putting brain chips in people's heads, and convincing them to want it. Elon Musk started a brain chip company. He hopes to have a outpatient store in every mall.

The Keiser Report on Youtube: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=youtube+keiser+report&t=opera&ia=web