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Adobe Photoshop Knows It's A Fake Version


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May 24, 2024
I followed the steps to the letter but as soon as I open a file the program tells me I got 10 days to activate no matter what I do.

I've disabled services for Adobe, Unplugged my Ethernet cord, I've uninstalled and reinstalled, I've used the ' Uninstall tool ' app which even deletes registry stuff, I've tried everything and nothing is working.

Are we just screwed for using Adobe products for free?

Any help would be appreciated because I been stuck on this for 2 weeks now, I really didn't want to come here and bother you guys with this but I'm stuck and I feel lost guys.
Are we just screwed for using Adobe products for free?

Any help would be appreciated because I been stuck on this for 2 weeks now, I really didn't want to come here and bother you guys with this but I'm stuck and I feel lost guys.
That pretty much sums it up. You may get a version to work for a time but it seems the folks at Abobe are always coming up with a new way to eventually kill most cracks. If you are using the program in a commercial setting, you might want to share some of your profits by purchasing the program. The folks at Adobe have to eat too.
If you are just a hobbiest, well I hope chasing cracks around and making them work is a hobby too because you will need it.
That pretty much sums it up. You may get a version to work for a time but it seems the folks at Abobe are always coming up with a new way to eventually kill most cracks. If you are using the program in a commercial setting, you might want to share some of your profits by purchasing the program. The folks at Adobe have to eat too.
If you are just a hobbiest, well I hope chasing cracks around and making them work is a hobby too because you will need it.
I'm sorry? They make legit thousands of dollars a week they don't need to stop people such as myself who don't have the extra money to pay for these over priced programs just because of greed. You say " they have to eat to " that's crap these guys eat without even putting a dent in their bank accounts while the common person such as myself we take most of our pay just to even buy spaghetti, don't start defending corporate greed it's not a good look for you
What do you mean the portable version? I figured that was just for mobile phones or tablets and I'm on a PC, does the portable one let you use it even after the 10 days goes by?
Go to 1337x and do a search for "adobe photoshop portable". It will all become clear grasshopper.
M8!! Go here: "filecr" enter "Potoshop" in search bar at the top, take your pick, it's not portable but they all work!!
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I followed the steps to the letter but as soon as I open a file the program tells me I got 10 days to activate no matter what I do.

I've disabled services for Adobe, Unplugged my Ethernet cord, I've uninstalled and reinstalled, I've used the ' Uninstall tool ' app which even deletes registry stuff, I've tried everything and nothing is working.

Are we just screwed for using Adobe products for free?

Any help would be appreciated because I been stuck on this for 2 weeks now, I really didn't want to come here and bother you guys with this but I'm stuck and I feel lost guys.

Did you try blocking adobe via hosts?
Blocking via host file, did not work, at least it did not work in my case.
But, i do have a solution now for anyone interested: What worked, is blocking in firewall ALL executables in Program Files > Adobe installation folders.
I am not sure which one was it and how it was communicating, sorry i dont know much about theese things :)
This is it. This works:


  • Untitled-1.png
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Blocking via host file, did not work, at least it did not work in my case.
But, i do have a solution now for anyone interested: What worked, is blocking in firewall ALL executables in Program Files > Adobe installation folders.
I am not sure which one was it and how it was communicating, sorry i dont know much about theese things :)
This is it. This works:
I just did this and it did not work for me. Did you do anything other than just add these to the Windows Defender firewall? Reinstall it? Anything?
Did you do anything other?

Nop - nothing. First i was trying via hosts file, did not work by itself, then firewall both incoming and outgoing blocked, which worked, still works fine...

PS In my hosts file i also have those lines
Maybe this helps too :) ic.adobe.io r3zj0yju1q.adobe.io cd536oo20y.adobe.io 3ca52znvmj.adobe.io
I use programs like Folder Firewall Blocker which block the entire contents of the folder, executable's, dlls etc.
Fab (Firewall App Blocker) which is limited. Don't forget the AppData folder is the Users folder.
I've said it a hundred times, you need to block Adobe with a real-time firewall. NOTHING should go on the internet. If only one has gone through the network, you will need to reinstall the system.
2024-06-24 23_44_25-Greenshot.png
I've said it a hundred times, you need to block Adobe with a real-time firewall. NOTHING should go on the internet. If only one has gone through the network, you will need to reinstall the system.
View attachment 6517
Holy cow! Looking at all those blocked connections to Adobe is downright scary. The REAL firewall is important. Do not trust Microsoft Security products. There is a reason they are offered for free and are now locked into the Windows platform with no way to remove them. The best you can do these days is install a trustworthy 3rd party antivirus and a seperate firewall. (that's not a one size fits all answer. Take some time and figure out what you need and what product best suits those needs.). For firewalls GlassWire offers a great free product that can supply you with good info on a program's Internet behavior. Zone Alarm firewall is just as secure and a bit less intimidating.
Just do yourself a favor. Keep as much distance as you can from Microsoft security products. There is nothing from stopping them from issuing a new TOS and burying the new BS in all the words. Don't let Microsoft own you anymore than they already do.
Do not use Zone Alarm Firewall it is crap. More like virus. You use Comodo or FreeFirewall and use the option to have the firewall notify you of every application that goes online. EVERYONE without exception.
Do not use Zone Alarm Firewall it is crap. More like virus. You use Comodo or FreeFirewall and use the option to have the firewall notify you of every application that goes online. EVERYONE without exception.
Thanks. Never tried Zone Alarm but read good things about it. As we all know just because you see it posted on the Internet doesn't mean it's true. I remember using ZA a long time ago, it wasn't bad at the time.
I tried that Zone today. That's why I claim it. It doesn't react to programs at all, but lets them all go online, and that's not useful if it doesn't give you a choice whether you want this application to go online or not. What they don't know is that if you allowed an application to go online, the one on the other side of the network can hack you if the application has that capability and their firewall is of little use then.