I am now working for a company that is wholely owned and managed by a member of the EU. A couple of years ago, they had what they call "The Event", a ransomware attack across the companies loacations all across North America and Europe. They have since hired a couple of Europen security companies to oversee and secure IT assets.
Now here's what I find refreshing in comparison to the US firms I have dealt with in the past. Like it or not the EU based agencies have concluded the biggest threat is a company's own users. Yes they do institute some fairly strict procedures in network architechure and permissions but they do keep in mind most attacks (including "The Event") took place by some current or recently separated employee's invervention. A term that seems to have faded away in the US is Social Engineering. That's the tool that's constantly under evolution and modification depending on current events by the real successful cyber criminals that make big money. The European firms we deal with seem to have made this their #1 offensive weapon to guard systems. To do so requires them to constantly monitor current techniques being employed and develop strategies to prevent the systems from being compromised. They are constantly monitoring traffic and rouge email from sources that do not match the database they developed. Domains not seen frequently on the mail server have a highlighted disclaimer on those emails in the opening lines, most times blocking everything but the raw text content of that email. The disclaimer also plainly asks recipients to notify specific individuals if there is any question of the content or sender's name or address.
So my take is the same sermon I have been preaching for some time. 99% of systems are breached b/c a user has granted permission one way or another and not a hardware or software security failure. The companies try to react in whatever way needed to neutralize the current social engineering scheme to prevent infection. What a brilliant idea! Yes it's going to take some serious resoures both time and individuals to monitor traffic but that same wisdom can be shared (and sold) across a large client base that contracts them to do so. I don't really find it any more instrusive than the a/v programs that bug the shit out of you for no reason, in fact it's more like we are working together for the same goal rather than having some referee constantly blowing the whistle.
That's how I see the evolution of really effective computer security taking place. AI may either be a big assitance or just the opposite. Right now I look at AI as a curiousity and a buzzword to attact investor money whose knowledge is they don't know about what they are investing in much but do know how to count a stack of paper money.