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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
Let me guess, no US reciprocity laws with N Korea and I doubt the rest of the world either? Seriously maybe it's time for the civilised countries of the world to pull the plug on Internet access for any country that doesn't care to play nice. These folks are clever, the way they intentionally avoided Russian targets and played Robin Hood by tossing a few measly dollars to charities around like it was some big sacrifice. I guess they thought it would divert attention. Problem is when you get that much money, you draw attention, like it or not.
Things gotta change, the Internet is turning into the wild, wild West.
Let me guess, no US reciprocity laws with N Korea and I doubt the rest of the world either? Seriously maybe it's time for the civilised countries of the world to pull the plug on Internet access for any country that doesn't care to play nice. These folks are clever, the way they intentionally avoided Russian targets and played Robin Hood by tossing a few measly dollars to charities around like it was some big sacrifice. I guess they thought it would divert attention. Problem is when you get that much money, you draw attention, like it or not.
Things gotta change, the Internet is turning into the wild, wild West.
Civilized countries? Surely this is sarc. We're far from civilized.