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Mercedes EWA server


New Member
Dec 7, 2017
Hi all, I'm sorry if i am re-posting this but i have been in battle with EWA application server since: " 20 Dec 2017" im going crazy and i just can't make it start.... I keep getting "starting of EWA server has failed" i have sent at pm to Thumper but i get no response. Im running it on xp. i have tryed like 4 diferent laptops and all have same problem. all works and green but cant start EWA server. playing with dates/tomcat/admin/java all wont work. :bombabad: :bombabad:

*also if someone knows were can i get left hand drive auto data would be nice tech-tools one is right hand witch i cant use since different placements
Try it on windows 7, i have tested before on windows 7, windows server 2003 and windows server 2008, it was working perfect. At this moment am using on windows server 2003.

Good luck