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Windows Took a Dump Today


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
I still am not sure, but out of nowhere, wham a blue screen during bootup. I finally got it to system restore and rolled back to a Windows update a couple of days ago. This was after trying a whole bunch of system repair schemes built into Windows 11. After the restore, Kaspersky wasn't happy and Chrome wouldn't even trying to load. Looks like Kaspersky called home a got a fix. I uninstalled remnants of Chrome with Revo and did a fresh install. It's all good now.
It's a laptop with an i7-7600, 16GB of RAM so it's one of those tweaked installs. I have yet to reinstall StartAllBack, that's next as soon as I log off here. I do not like Win 11's GUI and find it slows me down, I can't be alone with that feeling.
Well that was my troubles today. Luckily I had all my docs and important stuff backed up. I could have lost it today otherwise. Always keep your important stuff backed up or you may pay the price.